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Party with Pezzetto!

Beat up an egg add a scoop of Pezzetto mix and fry. It is that easy and sooooo delicious we just had to share with the world.

Like many Italian-Americans our story begins with our Great Grandmother coming over from Italy in the 1800's. With 7 kids on hand and one on the way, this fearless woman boarded a boat to America. She met our Great Grandfather who arrived a few months before.

She struggled to feed her children as her husband looked for work and here is where she created her first Pezzetto, which means little piece in Italian. The Pezzetto is made from flour, yeast, water, and spices. She created so many meals around Pezzettos.

Time went on and things improved but the Pezzetto stayed.

Today we eat them as snacks, during holidays, you name it. It is a fun way to create new food pairings!

Pezzetto Mix

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